Mission & Goals
Reduce the rate of violence, psychological stress and tension resulting from wars, torture, and psychological, social and economic disasters, to create a citizen who is able to adapt to the reality, according to human rights conventions applicable internationally and nationally, and enable him/her psychologically and socially to meet the current and future challenges safely.
1 - Reaching to psychological and social well-being. 2 - Achieving social and psychological balance to the victims of wars, torture, and disasters in the Palestinian society. 3 - Reducing psychological problems resulting from poverty and unemployment, and ill-treatment in the community, particularly marginalized women and children and youth categories. 4 - Enabling members of the Palestinian society and rehabilitate them psychologically and socially.
1 - Courses in behavior modification. 2 – Courses of collective/individual guidance. 3 - Courses in mental health. 4 - Sexual harassment and aggressive behavior.